Custom Project Spotlight: Tactical SWAT Medic Removable Trauma Pack

Custom Tactical SWAT Medic Removable MOLLE Trauma Pack Multicam

Very interesting project for an active Law Enforcement SWAT Medic.

The customer had limited real estate on the rear of his plate carrier, but wanted to add a trauma pack that he could access by himself without the aid of another operator.

We developed a removable trauma pack that is housed in a MOLLE sheath that attaches to the back of his plate carrier.  The trauma pack rests inside the sheath, is accessible over either shoulder and is secured with a webbing strap and side release buckle. The customer merely has to disengage the retention buckle and pull the grab handle to retrieve the pack from the sheath.

The trauma pack itself has a full opening clamshell design with one side of the interior lined with loop velcro and the other side outfitted with varying sizes of elastic.


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